Volunteers sought for Howell cleanup

HOWELL – The administrators of Howell’s Clean Communities Program are looking for volunteers to participate in a community cleanup day that will take place on April 16.

Howell recycling coordinator Laurie Dunwoody said Boy Scout troops, Girl Scout troops, families, sports teams, members of houses of worship and businesses are welcome to come out and help clean up the township.

“Anyone who would like to volunteer just a couple of hours to make a difference in their neighborhood is welcome. All are encouraged to get involved in their community to keep a clean and green neighborhood,” Dunwoody said.

Mayor Bill Gotto said the community cleanup is important for two reasons.

“First, it provides a way for individuals, groups and organizations to give back to their community in a positive way,” the mayor said. “We have many residents and civic organizations that have sections of the town assigned to them year after year and have in a way taken ownership of the cleanliness of these areas. Second, the cleanup brings pride to the town and our neighborhoods and gives us a visually positive view of the town. It provides for a cleaner community, which we all get to enjoy.”

Volunteers will meet at 9:30 a.m. April 16 for registration at the municipal building, 4567 Route 9 North, Howell. Participants will be given a road to clean (conducive to a child’s age), plus gloves, trash bags and safety vests. Everyone will return to the municipal building at noon for lunch and awards, which will be provided by the township.

Volunteers can call or email Dunwoody to register for the event by April 12 at 732-938-4500, ext. 2452, or [email protected]