Historical commission awards grants

The Monmouth County Historical Commission recently awarded preservation grants totaling $60,422 for 17 restoration projects, according to a press release.

Local grant recipients are: Allentown Public Library Association, rear shed roof replacement, $1,988; First Baptist Church, Freehold, exterior painting, $4,160; Friends of Millstone Historic Properties, Baird House, south slate roof replacement, $6,240; Friends of Monmouth Battlefield, Freehold Township, Craig House, milk room window replacements, $683; and the Monmouth County Historical Association, Freehold, Covenhoven House, shingle roof replacement, $6,240.

“Most people are not simply satisfied to read about the history of Monmouth County; they want to experience our history and visit our many sites,” said Freeholder Lillian G. Burry, liaison to the county historical commission. “I am proud to say the county strives to preserve historic structures that help us remember our roots and treasure the past and the people who built our communities.

“The ongoing preservation and restoration of meeting halls, offices, churches and former homes helps make history real and present in our daily lives,” Burry said. “It is important to maintain and restore these landmarks to their original glory and interpret their importance for generations to come.”

The Monmouth County Historical Commission was created by the Board of Freeholders for the preservation and conservation of local history. Its principal program is the preservation grants, according to the press release. The commission grants matching funds on a competitive basis to municipalities and nonprofit organizations needing financial help to accomplish these endeavors.

“The historical commission provides both sustained support and an open door for new projects,” said John Fabiano, executive director of the historical commission. “Once again, we have an interesting mix of grantees that are moving these great preservation projects forward.”

Each grantee is required to submit interim and final reports. The interim report is due when 50 percent of the work is completed. The final report, due at completion, must show evidence of completion and a canceled check to document payment to the contractor, according to the press release.