Meeting set for March 21and trips announced

Edison AARP Chapter 3446 will meet at 1 p.m. on March 21 at Our Lady of Peace Parish Center, Franklin Ave., Fords. Ageless Grace trainer/educator Roz Zuccarelli Gerken will present a program focusing on healthy longevity of the body, mind and spirit. Canned food and miscellaneous items for veterans, hospitals and nursing homes will be collected at the meeting.

Planned trips include: March 30: “Broadway Stoppers” show and luncheon at the Stoney Hill Inn in Hackensack, NJ. For reservations, contact Mary Ann at 732-287-3659.

May 17-18: Pennsylvania Package Tour – includes “Samson” at the Sight and Sound Theater, “Million Dollar Quartet” at the Dutch Apple Theater,
Turkey Hill Taste Lab, and a hotel stay at Eden Resort in Lancaster, PA. For reservations, contact Bob at 732-885-1789.

All trips are open to non-members.

For information on the Knitting and Crocheting club, contact Kay at
732-548-1976. For additional information about chapter or upcoming events, visit