ShopRite employees land spot on Cheerios box

Staff Writer

SPOTSWOOD – Two employees from the ShopRite supermarket in Spotswood were chosen to be featured on a box of Cheerios in recognition of the store raising almost $14,000 in the fight against hunger.

“That is an incredible number and it’s a testament to the associates here and their commitment to this focus on hunger,” said Christine Magyarits, spokeswoman for ShopRite Partners in Caring.

On March 17, representatives from ShopRite Partners in Caring visited its location on Summerhill Road to announce that it was one of 40 stores that raised the most money in the ShopRite Partners In Caring Cheerios Contest.

Employees at the Spotswood store raised $13,941 in the contest, which took place in September.

“Hunger is a hidden issue that people aren’t really aware is really affecting our communities,” Magyarits said.

“No one really wears a sign that they’re hungry. It’s a quiet thing. People sometimes are ashamed when they have to go to the pantries or the food banks for help, but it is really something that ShopRite is committed to,” Magyarits said, adding that the program has been running for 17 years.

This was a special year, according to Magyarits, because the company has hit the $40 million donation mark.

The two employees, Tracey Roszkowski of South Amboy and  Joan Pokropinski of Helmetta, were selected to represent the store on the cover of a box of Cheerios, of which around 150,000 boxes will be printed and sold exclusively at ShopRite locations.

“I’m excited,” Roszkowski said, adding that it was her second time being honored, the first time being as an employee at the ShopRite located in Clark during the program’s 10th anniversary.

“We need to reach out to the community to let them be aware that we are trying to fight this,” she said, adding that she wanted to thank her coworkers for also taking part in the program as well as her customers who “were very generous”.

“I’m very proud. I am glad I could help the community,” Pokropinksi said, adding that it was her first time being honored. She raised around $1,000 for the cause.

The pair will join associates will join representatives from 40 other stores.

The store was also awarded a $500 check for being one of the winners in the contest. During the event, Frank Juba, the store’s manager, donated the money to a local charity.

“This year we wanted to do more. Many years we raised $3,000 or $5,000 but this year we really had the backing of the associates,” Juba said.

“[The associates] drove the fundraising this year. … It was them on the front line telling the customers that they are raising the money for hunger and it’s right here in our neighborhood,” he said.

This was the store’s first time being chosen for the award.

In total, according to Magayarits, stores throughout the six states in which ShopRite operates raised around $1.3 million. ShopRite operates over 260 stores in six states, including New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Delaware and Maryland.

Contact Michael Nunes at [email protected].