Eric Sucar

Oceanport tabs Scotch Plains rec director as administrator

By Kenny Walter
Staff Writer

OCEANPORT- Ray Poerio, the recreation director for Scotch Plains, has been hired as the Oceanport Business Administrator.

The Borough Council approved Poerio from a list of five candidates during the March 17 Borough Council meeting to replace outgoing Business Administrator John O. Bennett III.

“After we did the interviews, Ray stood out in a couple of different factors,” Councilman Joseph Irace said. “The size of Scotch Plains, he probably had more people underneath him as the recreation director in Scotch Plains then he will as a business administrator in Oceanport.

“He’s eminently qualified and he’s kind of done business administrator work even though he is a recreation coordinator.”

Poerio will begin his tenure as business administrator on April 4, with Bennett departing on March 31. Poerio guided the recreation department in the Union County township, which according to the 2010 Census, contained 23,510 residents. As of the 2010 Census, Oceanport’s population was 5,832.

Poerio will earn a starting salary of $121,000, while Bennett was receiving  $125,000.

According to Irace, Poerio holds certification in both public works and purchasing, which stood out amongst candidates for the administrator position.

“He’s kind of stepped into various roles in Scotch Plains and handled them all,” he said. “So he’s jumping in head first and already getting involved.

“He’s not a 40-hour work week kind of guy. The business administrator in a small town, is a 24/7 thing. He seems to be that kind of guy, he has the motivation and the ability to step in and do various roles, which is what our administrator does.”

In October, Bennett announced his retirement effective Dec. 31, due for the most part to a growing divide between the council and administration, as well as criticism of the administrator on social media by borough residents.However, Bennett stayed on board an additional three months as the borough sought to fill the seat permanently.

Irace said the borough went through an extended process in finding a new business administrator.

“We started the process right after the election in November, collecting resumes and going through the process,” he said. “We ended up with approximately 40, and then after January, they ended up interviewing a dozen or so people and then bringing five back to council and we made a decision.”

Irace also praised Bennett for his two-plus years as administrator after serving as borough attorney for several years.

“John’s been a consummate professional, he’s done everything we’ve asked,” Irace said. “John’s a good man and we wish him well in the future.”