Police disarm knife-wielding man

JACKSON – An incident involving police officers and a man holding a knife ended without injury to anyone and no charges being filed against the man.

Jackson Police Capt. Steven Laskiewicz said the incident took place just before 9 p.m. March 27 when police received a report of a man who allegedly threatened someone with a knife in the area of North County Line Road.

Officer Keith French responded to the scene and found a man who fit the description of the suspect walking with his hands in his pockets. Laskiewicz said French drew his service weapon and ordered the man to show his hands.

The man told French that he had placed the call to police, that he had a knife and that he would attempt to “kill (French) if the officer did not kill him first,” Laskiewicz said.

Officers Cherrick Daniels, Sean Greenberger and Jeff Henba arrived at the scene and began talking with the man and asking him to drop the knife. The man, who police did not name, repeatedly told the officers he would harm them if they did not shoot him first, Laskiewicz said.

After a short time, the man ran from that location. Officers caught up with him and established a perimeter. Sgt. Wayne Olejarz arrived and used a chemical spray to incapacitate the man, who dropped a steak knife he had been holding. The man was treated at the scene and taken to a hospital.

Laskiewicz said although the man allegedly made violent verbal threats to the police officers, he did not attempt to charge at them. No charges were lodged against the man and none are expected at this time, the captain said.