Holman group donates $30k for playground

By Andrew Martins
Staff Writer

JACKSON – School district administrators praised the fundraising efforts of an organization at the Lucy N. Holman Elementary School after the group made a $30,000 donation to pay for improvements to the school’s playground.

Jackson School District Board of Education President Sharon Dey presented a certificate of appreciation to Terri Costello, president of the Holman Organization of Parents and Educators (HOPE), during the board’s March 18 meeting. The certificate recognizes the group’s effort to enhance “the power of play.”

“This is yet another example of all the ways our parent groups enhance the daily lives of our students,” Dey said.

She said the donation followed a multi-year initiative by HOPE to raise funds for the project through various events. Dey said the money will be used to bring “(playground) equipment and features that are geared more toward our ‘younger friends’ ” to the school.

“The idea behind the new playground is to have equipment that allows students to lose themselves in play and in physical activity … to let them blow off steam a little so they can again focus on their work,” Dey said. “Basically, to let them be kids.”

Earlier in March, a special presentation was held at the Sylvia Rosenauer Elementary School to display the technology that has been added to every classroom as a result of the efforts of the PTA. Work included the full implementation of wireless internet connectivity and the placement of at least three Chromebook laptop computers in each classroom.

“We have been the very grateful beneficiary of thousands of dollars from our parent groups,” Dey said. “They have provided us with technology and devices and libraries of books, all of which are enhancing instruction throughout the district.”