Family Promise of Monmouth County sets dinner May 19

Family Promise of Monmouth County will hold its annual appreciation dinner, The Promise of Spring, at 6 p.m. on May 19 at the Ocean Place Resort & Spa, Long Branch.

The annual dinner includes a cocktail reception and live entertainment followed by dinner, silent and live auctions, and an awards presentation. This year, the organization will announce its first Hope Award recipient to an individual or organization that has shown dedication and commitment to Family Promise’s mission. The 2016 Inaugural Hope Award will honor JBJ Soul Kitchen Founder Dorothea Bongiovi for her long-standing commitment to providing healthy meals to families in need and supporting Family Promise’s mission.

JBJ Soul Kitchen, which holds Family Promise families weekly at its Red Bank location, not only provides a warm meal, but also serves guests with a message of hope and community.  The JBJ Soul Kitchen empowers its dining community, while serving all with dignity and grace.

Sponsorships are available through and tickets, $100 per person, are available online at