Members-only parking needed by Deal beach

In February of this year, I paid my membership fee for the current summer season at the Conover Pavilion in Deal. The price has gone up significantly from last year. My family and I have been members for over 40 years. But the last few years have brought on a parking nightmare, which has finally pushed me to write this letter.

It seems that if we don’t get to the beach by 9 a.m., parking becomes a premium and forget Saturdays. Parking after 1 p.m. is nonexistent in member parking for members because dailies are allowed to park there, which includes people going to the free beach next door.

Why should season members have to park out beyond the fence in the grass or across the street when dailies are only paying for the day and are afforded the opportunity to park in prime parking? This needs to change.

Please change the parking situation to only allow members to park all day in member parking. Let the dailies and free beachers park beyond the fence in the grass or across the street. I hope Mayor Ades and Administrator Carasia will seriously consider this and present it to the borough council.

Dreading the beach season this year.

Barbara Sacco
West Long Branch