Edison Arts Society displaying artwork of Rita Brown through April

The Edison Arts Society (EAS) recently sponsored the grand opening of the artwork of Rita Brown. The exhibit will be on display throughout April at the EAS Gallery, located on the third floor of the Edison Municipal Building on Municipal Boulevard in Edison. Debra Biederman, a violinist for the New Jersey Symphonic Orchestra, and long time member of the Edison Arts Society, provided music that set the tone for Brown’s elegant collection of watercolors.

Gloria Dittman, the president of the Edison Arts Society, welcomed the crowd for coming to support the arts. She mentioned that Brown’s exhibit will be followed in May with the works of Steven Barcan, an award winning artist who paints in a variety of medium.

Dittman introduced Grace McCann, who is a sophomore at Edison High School. Last year the EAS granted a scholarship to Grace so that she was able to spend the summer at a special camp in South Carolina developing her skills as a ballerina. McCann, who is about to appear in a local production of Cinderella, stated, “I am really grateful for the opportunity that the Edison Arts Society has given me to help reach my dream of becoming a ballerina.”

Flowers are the subject matter of Brown’s exhibit at the Gallery. “I choose flowers as the subject matter for this exhibit because I wanted to celebrate that spring is finally here,” Brown said.

Most of the paintings on display are for sale. For information on making a purchase or becoming a member of the Edison Arts Society, call 732-548-9134 or like them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Edison-Arts-Society.