Mayor names affordable housing panel members

By Mark Rosman
Staff Writer

MANALAPAN — Mayor Mary Ann Musich has announced the formation of the Manalapan Affordable Housing Advisory Committee and has appointed six residents to serve on the panel.

The action followed recent comments to the Township Committee by a resident who suggested that an advisory committee could keep residents informed about evolving affordable housing rules and court decisions, and that its members could help to refine an affordable housing plan Manalapan has submitted to the court which outlines how municipal officials plan to address the township’s affordable housing obligation.

Affordable housing as defined by New Jersey is housing that is sold or rented at below market rates to individuals whose income meets guidelines established by the state.

Musich appointed Bernie Frojmovich, Larry Cooper, Annamae Frenkiel, Janet Gray, Connie Rosseel and Kevin Uniglicht to the committee.

Frojmovich was the resident who suggested the idea for the advisory committee to municipal officials in February. He recently filed to run as a Democrat for a seat on the Township Committee.

Uniglicht has filed to run as a Republican for a seat on the governing body.

“The reason the committee was formed is because this is the hottest topic Manalapan will face this year,” Musich said. “The advisory committee will work with the Township Committee liaison and the township administrator to develop goals and objectives.

“The members of the advisory committee will review the state of affordable housing in New Jersey and review public documents related to Manalapan’s specific number of units. The people named to the advisory committee are residents who expressed interest in the issue specifically and want to be involved in the community,” the mayor added.

Affordable housing is an issue before municipal officials throughout New Jersey as they grapple with state mandates and court directives that require them to provide opportunities for the development of affordable housing within their borders.

Township Attorney Roger McLaughlin has said Manalapan is in the process of dealing with the court on affordable housing issues.