Public hearing slated on school budget

By Mark Rosman
Staff Writer

A public hearing has been scheduled for 6 p.m. April 27 on the 2016-17 budget the Upper Freehold Regional School District Board of Education has introduced.

The budget is being reviewed by Monmouth County executive county superintendent’s office, which is an arm of the state Department of Education, and is subject to change prior to its final adoption, according to Margaret Hom, the business administrator for the school district.

Hom said the budget as introduced totals $41.03 million to operate the school district from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The budget would be supported by the collection of $25.19 million in taxes from residential and commercial property owners in Upper Freehold Township and Allentown.

Other revenues in the budget will include $5.65 million in state aid and $260,000 from surplus funds (savings).

Information about how the budget will impact property taxes in Upper Freehold Township and Allentown will be available at the time the board adopts a final budget, Hom said.

The April 27 public hearing will be held in the second floor board room in the Newell Elementary School, High Street, Allentown. Residents may comment on or ask questions about the budget during the public hearing. The board may vote to adopt a final budget for the 2016-17 school year that evening.