Pupils’ newscast keeps Defino informed

By Peter Elacqua

MARLBORO – Pupils at the Defino Central Elementary School, Route 79, begin each day at school with a news broadcast that is put together by their peers.

Since November, the Defino Dolphin News has been broadcast to each classroom to start the day. Ami Young, the teacher of the Reach program, has been directing students from across the grade levels.

The broadcast has segments that include the Pledge of Allegiance, pupils who present the weather, information about school programs and other events, and a “Did You Know?” fact of the day.

“It sets our day off,” Principal Jill Green said. “Everybody is starting at the same place together as a community before we break into our different grade levels.”

Prior to the debut of Defino Dolphin News, Green live-streamed herself presenting morning announcements.

Young said the news program is in its second rotation of pupils appearing on the broadcast.

The broadcast is led by two fifth grade news anchors and the cameraman is also a fifth grade pupil. Fourth grade pupils present news about events and school programs. Third grade pupils present the weather, and first and second grade pupils lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

“It instills values and the children can be confident they have a voice and that people do want to hear them,” Young said. They are preparing for future jobs and can put on a resume that they were part of a news broadcast in elementary school.”

Young said the daily broadcast is important because it bridges the gap between the grades.

“We are building relationships across the grade levels,” Young said. “When we are all packed up and walking down the hallway (after the broadcast), I am usually a couple of feet behind the kids who have been on the set and the conversations last all down the hallways. There is a conversation the whole way back (to their classrooms) and it is a positive way to start their day. You always want to give an opportunity to future generations that you did not have. … They are so happy to be here and to have this opportunity at a young age.”

Parents may view the news broadcast via a live stream.

Marlboro K-8 School District Board of Education President Debbie Mattos recently observed a live broadcast of the Defino Dolphin News.

“Live-streaming morning announcements and other daily news into classrooms and parents’ offices is an innovative use of technology to further build the students’ confidence, public speaking skills and a better sense of their community,” Mattos said. “It is wonderful watching the Defino school administrators, teachers and students leading the district in such creative thinking on a daily basis.”