Rumson hires first full-time, in-house engineer

Staff Writer

RUMSON — The Borough Council has approved the appointment of Rumson’s first full-time, in-house Borough Engineer, David Marks.

The appointment of Marks, whose professional background includes experience in roadway and park design, construction on large- and small-scale projects and management and financial oversight of construction projects, was approved at a recent council meeting.

In an April 13 interview, Borough Administrator Thomas Rogers said Marks would work on many of the Borough’s capital improvement projects, including road resurfacing, curb and sidewalk improvements, sewer issues and drainage improvements.

“Having an in-house engineer has many benefits,” Rogers said. “It allows the Borough to address engineering issues in a more timely fashion because David will be working with me and with the residents of the Borough directly.”

Rogers said Marks would also support in-house projects for numerous Borough departments, such as the Department of Public Works and the Construction, Parks and Recreation and Finance departments and would also be involved with sourcing and writing grants and overseeing engineering projects sourced outside the Borough.

“We’ll still use T&M as a consultant for various projects, but a majority of the engineering work will now be done in-house,” he said.

In an interview April 13, Marks said he is excited to be joining the Borough of Rumson.

“I have a longstanding relationship with the governing body as well as the Borough staff, and this opportunity presented itself as both a personal benefit, as well as a benefit to the Borough and the residents of Rumson,” he said.

Marks began his career at Middletown-based T&M Associates 18 years ago, working closely with Rumson and many other local municipalities on a variety of projects, and Rogers said Marks brings a great deal of knowledge to the role who can help the Borough prioritize its many important projects and help them be completed faster and more cost effectively.

“Rumson is exemplary in that the mayor and council are constructive and innovative in their approach, fostering a productive environment,” Marks said. “This allows projects to run smoothly from inception to completion.

“It is a very positive atmosphere, and I look forward to working for the residents of Rumson.”