Princeton administrator will replace retiring Robert Lombard

By Jennifer Amato
Staff Writer

NORTH BRUNSWICK – The newly hired township business administrator knows she has a great legacy to follow.

“Thanks for having the confidence in me to fill the big shoes that are leaving,” Kathryn Monzo said during the North Brunswick Township Council meeting on April 18, when she was formally introduced as the successor to Robert Lombard, who will be retiring May 31 after 16 years as the township’s business administrator.

Monzo is currently Princeton’s deputy administrator and director of Finance. In 2013, she coordinated and directed the merger of Princeton Borough and Princeton Township.

She has more than 25 years of experience in finance and administration, serving as administrator, director of Finance and chief financial officer/tax collector. She served as chief financial officer for Mansfield Township and budget analyst for the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ Division of Local Government Services.

“Kathy has a long and successful history in municipal management,” Mayor Francis “Mac” Womack said. “She is a person of such respect in New Jersey that we are very fortunate to have her come on board.”

The township hired a consultant to help with the candidate search, Womack said. Council President Robert Corbin appointment members of the council to sort through the applicants, and then the entire council was able to interview the finalists.

“I want to carry on and do the wonderful job he’s done,” Monzo said of Lombard. “I’m really excited about leading this municipal team. I can’t wait to get here officially.”

Monzo will spend the next several weeks transitioning with Lombard.

“We’re all part-time elected officials and the person who’s here to run the town day in and day out on a day-to-day basis is our business administrator. It’s the most important position in town, other than police officer,” Womack said.

“I would like to thank Mr. Lombard for his many years of dedicated service to North Brunswick. He has guided me and the Township Council with his mature judgment, his professional politeness, his integrity and most of all, his friendship,” Womack added. “He’s had a wonderful career and has done a wonderful job for North Brunswick.”

Contact Jennifer Amato at [email protected].