Edison resident expresses thanks

Hats off to Chief Bryan of the Edison Police Department. On April 20 at about 10 a.m., I was traveling south on the New Jersey Turnpike. Traffic was very heavy and I noticed a huge plume of very black smoke in the distance. As I got closer, I could see that in the far right lane there was a truck on fire with flames billowing.

Of course, everyone was going very slowly and merging to give the New Jersey State Trooper some room. I then noticed that to my left, as I was in the left lane, I saw a young man atop his car, climb over the barrier, and to my amazement, it was Police Chief Bryan. I stopped so that he could cross the southbound lanes. He waved a ‘thank you’ and did not realize it was an Edison resident in the car. Needless to say, I was completely surprised at how someone would risk that danger by crossing three lanes of Turnpike traffic.

His goal, I assume, was to assist the New Jersey State Trooper no matter how much the risk. Kudos to the Chief. He set an excellent example of how Edison’s finest help out whenever possible and in very daring situations.

Thank you Chief. We appreciate YOU.
Gloria S. Dittman