Police chief awaits ruling on charges

By Peter Elacqua
Staff Writer

COLTS NECK – Police Chief Kevin Sauter is facing a five-day suspension without pay after charges were filed by municipal officials who allege he failed to follow township procedures while traveling to a police conference outside New Jersey.

Sauter requested a public hearing on the charges and the hearing was held on April 28 at the Colts Neck courthouse.

Sauter is represented by attorney Charles Sciarra and the township is represented by attorney Jamie Plosia.

Municipal officials have charged Sauter with:

• Failure to seek the proper prior written approval from the Township Committee

• Failure to use vacation time during his attendance at an out-of-state conference

• Having an on-duty police officer who was driving a police vehicle pick him up at Newark Liberty International Airport upon his return to New Jersey.

The matter involves Sauter’s attendance at a police training conference from Oct. 23-28, 2015, in Chicago. The conference was held by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).

Sauter and Township Administrator Kathleen Capristo testified during the hearing.

Capristo testified that she had spoken with Sauter about his upcoming attendance at the conference during their introductory meeting after she was hired as Colts Neck’s administrator in mid-September 2015.

Capristo testified that Sauter displayed his displeasure regarding a municipal policy which states that Colts Neck will not pay for a conference attendee’s hotel and travel expenses. The policy applies to all municipal employees.

Sauter testified that Colts Neck paid his $350 registration fee for the conference, but said he was required to pay for his hotel and meals. He said the IACP paid for his airfare.

Documents presented at the hearing indicated Sauter had sent a request for approval to attend the conference to Thomas Antus, who was serving as Colts Neck’s interim township administrator before Capristo came on board.

Final approval of the trip was granted on Sept. 9 by the Township Committee.

Evidence introduced during the hearing indicated that Committeeman James Schatzle, who was serving as mayor in 2015, and committee members Jarrett Engel and Michael Fitzgerald signed off on Sauter’s attendance at the conference and the township’s payment of the registration fee.

Sauter, who has been Colts Neck’s police chief for more than two decades, testified he has attended 16 conferences outside New Jersey for police-related training. He said he has followed the same procedure of filing a written request to the township administrator and having an officer pick him up from the airport upon his return.

“I am confident that I will be acquitted of all charges,” the chief said.

Time sheets that were entered as evidence during the hearing showed that Sauter did not use vacation time during his attendance at the conference.

Retired Superior Court Judge Robert O’Hagan was the hearing officer for the case. He said he will make a recommendation to the Township Committee after the hearing transcript has been sent to both parties and written briefs have been submitted. O’Hagan said his recommendation could be made 30 to 45 days after the April 28 hearing.