Eric Sucar

Rumson’s Memorial Day parade set for May 30

The Rumson Memorial Day Parade will kick off at 10 a.m. May 30 from Blackpoint Road and proceed down East River Road toward Victory Park. The Memorial Day Ceremony will begin immediately after the parade at approximately 10:30 a.m.

The parade will be led by Mayor Ekdahl and the Borough Council and feature Rumson veterans. Community groups scheduled to participate include the Senior Citizens Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownie and Daisy troops, representatives from Rumson Recreation, the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School band and Forrestdale band, novelty cars, local public safety groups and more.

“We are hoping for beautiful weather and a great showing from residents cheering our veterans along the parade route,” said Mayor Ekdahl. “The timing of the Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony competes with the start of the first official beach day of the year, and we appreciate that Rumson residents make the time to acknowledge the service of our veterans, remembering in particular those men and women who gave their lives in service to our country, in whose memory we march on Memorial Day.”

“This year we are honored to have Rumson resident Brigadier General Richard Bolton as our keynote speaker, and Father Michael Manning from Holy Cross Church will deliver the invocation and benediction,” Mayor Ekdahl added.

Rumson Boy Scout Troop 201 will form the Color Guard, and Forrestdale student MacKenzie Doherty will sing the National Anthem. The ceremony will conclude with the placing of the Memorial Wreaths at the three Rumson Memorials — World War I, World War II and the Memorial for combat since WWII — while “Taps” is played by Rumson resident and Regis High School junior Owen Doherty.

To participate in Rumson’s Memorial Day Parade, contact Communications Director Sarah Orsay at [email protected].