Military veteran from Monroe receives free air conditioning unit

MONROE – A retired military veteran has received a free air conditioning system since his 40-year-old home still uses its original mechanical systems that have not been operating for several years.

Thomas and Lucy Quinn received the unit on May 5 and 6 at their home in the Rossmoor Adult Community in Monroe, courtesy of Princeton Air and the Princeton Corridor Rotary Club.

“I was speaking to Rotary Club President Elect Bob Landman about the summer weather outlook and then he shared that his neighbors, Thomas and Lucy Quinn, would be heading into the heat and humidity with no relief. I couldn’t imagine facing another summer without a comfortable home and felt we had to do something for the Quinn family,” said Scott Needham, president of Princeton Air.

When the team at Princeton Air heard about the project, Dave Wessels was particularly interested since he is a senior installation technician at the company and also a First Sergeant of the 465th Transportation Company in the Army Reserve, according to information provided by Princeton Air. He called it a “vet helping a vet.”

Lennox, the system manufacturer, provided the equipment free of charge and Princeton Air donated labor.