Community invited to help clean up lake

The Lawrence Brook Watershed Partnership will sponsor the 13th annual Farrington Lake Cleanup 10 a.m.-1 p.m. May 14 beginning with 9:30 a.m. registration at Bicentennial Park, junction of Hardenburg Lane and Riva Avenue, East Brunswick. A registration table will be set up to the right of the main parking lot. Rain date is May 21.

Individuals and groups are invited to help protect the environment by cleaning up trash around Farrington Lake to ensure the health of the Lawrence Brook. Participants should dress to pick up trash and have arms and legs covered. Waterproof boots would be useful. Refreshments will be provided.

For more information, to register or for a cleanup assignment, call Michael Shakarjian at 732-828-3275 or Alan Godber at 732-846-4476; leave a message at LBWP headquarters, 732-249-5297; log on to; or email [email protected].