Shabbat at the Shore set for June 10

Congregation B’nai Israel, 171 Ridge Road, Rumson, announces the fourth annual Shabbat at the Shore will be held at 5 p.m. on June 10 at Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park, Long Branch. The rain date is June 17. Members and non‐members are welcome. All are invited.

The cost is $18 per person or $54 per family. There is plenty of free parking. It includes a magician, a field for all kinds of play, music and a kosher barbeque dinner. There are tables and benches, but bring a beach chair, too. Bring children and grand‐parents for a Shabbat barbeque. After dinner there will be a short walk to the beach and a brief service to welcome Shabbat.

For reservations, call Emilie Kovit‐Meyer at 732‐842‐1800, ext. 203, or go
online to register at