Carl Sandburg staff helps build condo unit for veterans

Staff Writer

OLD BRIDGE — Carl Sandburg Middle School (CSMS) Principal Martha Simon and her teaching staff recently put on hard hats and goggles for a good cause.

They joined volunteers from Habitat for Humanity Newark on April 30 to lay stripping for soundproofing as part of the construction of a multi-unit condominium that is being built for veterans in Newark.

Chris LoNigro, a social studies teacher, said this was the first time they came together to volunteer their time for Habitat for Humanity, which came about because of their continued efforts fundraising for the GI Go Fund, a nonprofit organization that helps veterans with finding employment and securing their benefits, as well as providing aid and assistance to low-income and homeless veterans.

The GI Go Fund was founded in memory of former Sandburg teacher Gary Sapir’s nephew, Army Lt. Seth Dvorin, who died in 2006 from an IED blast in Iraq.

“We have raised $52,000 in three years,” LoNigro said.

CSMS’s annual Steps for Vets drive for the GI Go Fund, which kicked off its fourth year in April, culminates with a rally on May 27 where students will participate in an assembly in the morning to learn about military experiences from veterans of each branch of the armed forces.

Afterward, the students will participate in a walk outside on the school’s track where students will be joined by veterans and their families.

This year, the staff and students wanted to do more than just raise money; they wanted to contribute to a GI Go Fund project, which led to the partnership with Habitat for Humanity.

Simon said 40 staff members wanted to participate, but they only could bring 20. The staff members who participated included Laura McHugh, Thomas Towne and his wife Maura, Janet Lazofsky, Laura Mechkowski, Christine Bracken, Laurie Shelley and her husband Bill, John Ghigna, Lauren Piserchia, Kathleen Corsentino, Chris LoNigro, Patti Raynor, Corrie Kociscin, Jack Parkin and Principal Simon.

Unbeknownst to the educators, the group was working alongside one of the veterans who will be moving into one of the units being built.

“We were all saying how beautiful the house would be,” Bracken said before they knew they were working alongside the veteran. “It just made the experience that much better.”

In September, students at CSMS will get their chance to work on construction projects held at the middle school for Habitat for Humanity.

Donations for the Steps for Vets drive event can be made out to GI Go Fund and forwarded to Carl Sandburg Middle School or visit

The hope is to exceed last year’s fundraising goals so that more veterans can be served, Simon said.

The GI Go Fund is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. For more information, visit