Plumsted teen donates $10K to help feed the hungry

By Andrew Martins
Staff Writer

PLUMSTED – A teenager with a penchant for charity has donated $10,000 to the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. The funds are expected to provide more than 30,000 meals to individuals and families.

Dominic Esposito, 15, of New Egypt, was awarded the money on May 19 during the national Make a Difference Day awards in Washington, D.C. Dominic earned the award because he created Scrap Hunger, an effort which collects and recycles scrap metal and donates the proceeds to the food bank.

“One in 10 residents in our communities struggle with hunger. This money will help keep the shelves stocked for quite a while and that is very important to me,” Dominic said.

Scrap Hunger, which was established as a non-profit organization in 2014, has recycled more than 54,000 pounds of scrap metal and raised more than $8,600. Last year, Dominic and a group of volunteers held a Scrap Hunger walkathon which raised $2,500.

Continued support in Plumsted and from neighboring towns has enabled Scrap Hunger to benefit people in need.

“With the support of residents and businesses in Monmouth and Ocean counties, I continue to turn scrap metal into food each and every week,” Dominic said. “I can hardly keep up with the calls, texts and emails from people who want to make scrap metal donations.”

Scrap Hunger was one of several projects from around the nation to receive a $10,000 grant from Newman’s Own.

Although the grant could have been used to improve the annual Scrap Hunger drive, Dominic said donating it directly to the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties ultimately made the biggest impact.

“While we could have used some equipment like a trailer for hauling large items to the scrap yard, I felt compelled to donate the entire amount,” the young man said. “We have done OK without it to this point and I really believe this sizable donation will make a difference and improve the lives of others in New Jersey.”

Food bank staff said a meal can be provided for about 33 cents, which means Dominic’s $10,000 donation could pay for more than 30,000 meals.

Linda Keenan, the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties director of development, said working with Dominic has been a boost for people who do not always have something to eat.

“Dominic’s vision and creative spirit are far-reaching and life-changing for so many families,” Keenan said. “The donations from Dominic and Scrap Hunger have resulted in providing thousands of meals for local children and their families.”