Two South River police officers save choking male

SOUTH RIVER — Two borough police officers are being praised for the quick response and lifesaving aid they provided to a local resident who was choking.

Officers Paul Muszynski and Bernard Mackiel responded to an emergency call at a residence around 6:08 p.m. on May 14, according to a statement released by Police Chief Mark Tinitigan.

Upon their arrival, both officers were able to ascertain the male victim was still choking, according to police. Muszynski immediately positioned himself behind the victim’s body which had become motionless, according to police. With assistance from Mackiel, a series of abdominal thrusts was performed, ultimately dislodging the obstruction. The patient was able to breathe and became responsive, police said.

“This is the reason we train and recertify our officers — to provide proper aid and assistance in a professional manner so a successful outcome [such] as this can occur,” Tinitigan said.

All members of this department were recently recertified in CPR training, which included how to aid choking victims.