SADD selects Edison teen for National Leadership Council

SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), the nation’s premier youth health and safety organization, announced that Alyssa Royce of Edison has been named to the SADD National Student Leadership Council for the 2016-2017 school year.

Chosen from a nationwide pool of highly qualified applicants, Royce joins nine other student leaders who will represent the more than 400,000 active SADD students from across the country.

“Alyssa’s leadership and her work and dedication to issues that matter to teens make her a great choice to join SADD’s National Student Leadership Council,” said Dawn Teixeira, president and chief executive officer of SADD. “Drawing from her experiences on the state and local levels, she will provide teen insight which is a critical ingredient necessary to forming our national strategy to address emerging health and safety issues facing our teens.”

The Student Leadership Council advises the SADD National Board of Directors on policies and programs; plans and implements the annual SADD National Conference; provides strategic direction to the organization on health and safety priorities; and serves as a national and regional representation network. Royce will begin her term at the SADD National Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this June.

“Being selected for the SADD National Student Leadership Council is a great honor, one that is well deserved and brings great pride to our state and local organizations that have worked so hard to educate teens about responsible decision-making,” said Pamela Clark, New Jersey SADD state contact. “Alyssa has been an exceptional leader for SADD in New Jersey, working hard to ensure that teens are aware of the perils of traffic safety, substance abuse and personal health and safety. We are confident she will thrive as an educator and an important advocate for teens nationwide.”

SADD Inc. is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. Headquartered in Marlborough, Massachusetts, the organization is committed to empowering young people to successfully navigate the risks and pressures of everyday life. Founded as Students Against Driving Drunk in 1981, SADD has become the nation’s leading peer-to-peer youth health and safety organization, with thousands of chapters in middle schools, high schools and colleges working to empower teens, engage parents, mobilize communities and change lives around the issues of traffic safety, substance abuse and personal health and safety.