Police officers and civilians honored in South Brunswick


SOUTH BRUNSWICK – As part of National Police Week, the South Brunswick Police Department (SBPD) held its annual awards luncheon to recognize the outstanding efforts of police officers and citizens in keeping the community safe in 2015.

Top awards presented on May 18 went to a township resident who intervened to stop a residential burglary, a homicide investigation where a suspect was located and taken into custody, an investigation which led to the largest heroin seizure in South Brunswick history, and two cases in which officers took actions to save lives, according to a statement prepared by the SBPD.

“Today we recognize the excellence that I get to see every day,” said Police Chief Raymond Hayducka. “It is the outstanding effort of the men and women of the SBPD that makes a difference on a daily basis. I receive letters weekly from citizens who tell me about officers who took the extra time to drive them to get gas or assisted finding a lost relative. Today we recognize the officers who went above and beyond to serve our community.”

A Medal of Valor was presented to Detective Eric Tighelaar and Detective Dennis Yuhasz. In June 2015, the detectives traveled to Pennsylvania to conduct interviews about the whereabouts of a wanted murder suspect. At a residence in New Hope, Pennsylvania, the detectives learned that the suspect was hiding in a back room. The detectives entered the home and confronted the suspect who was armed. They were able to take him into custody and secure his loaded revolver without any injuries.

A Citizen Appreciation Award was presented to Susan Santawasso. On April 27, 2015, Santawasso noticed a vehicle parked in her neighbor’s driveway. She called her neighbor, who was not home at the time, and asked if she knew if there should be a car in her driveway. Police arrived within minutes to find two burglars leaving out of a rear window of the home. The suspects were both arrested and the stolen items from the home were recovered.

A Life Saving Medal was presented to Officer George Morgan. In November, Morgan responded to a call of an unresponsive female who was not breathing. Upon arrival he determined that 23-year-old victim had overdosed and he administered NARCAN to revive her.

A Life Saving Medal was presented to Officer Brady Shelcusky and Officer Salvatore Fama. On Feb. 26, 2015, Shelcusky responded to a residence for a man who had not been seen in three days. The officers learned that he had no cell phone activity and mail was piling up. After repeatedly getting no answer, officers forced entry into the home. They found the victim had suffered a stroke and was lying on the floor for several days. The victim was transported to the hospital for proper care.

An Exceptional Service Medal was presented to Sgt. Roger Tuohy. Tuohy conducted an investigation into heroin distribution out of a township home. The investigation resulted in the execution of a search warrant and the largest heroin seizure from a township residence. His follow up led to the arrest of one suspect and the shutting down of a local drug dealer.

Tuohy also received a Letter of Commendation for an incident in May 2015 during which he responded to a report of two individuals acting suspiciously on Jeffrey Circle. While both suspects fled the area, Tuohy notified responding officers. The suspects abandoned their getaway vehicle a block away. Tuohy’s positive identification of the suspects along with physical evidence from the vehicle led to the suspects being linked to multiple burglaries.

An Exceptional Service Medal was presented to Sgt. Donald Varga. In November, Varga responded to a Route 27 business for a report of a suspicious package. He took charge of the incident, establishing a perimeter and evacuations. He coordinated with several different county, state and federal agencies to resolve the situation.

A Letter of Commendation was presented to Officer Ryan Bartunek. In September, Bartunek responded to a Dayton warehouse to investigate a theft of more than $17,000. He conducted a detailed, on scene investigation which developed crucial evidence which led to the suspect being charged.

A Letter of Commendation was presented to Officer Sean Roberts. On May 22, 2015, Roberts responded to the scene of a vehicle burglary on Quincy Circle as an evidence technician. Through his crime scene processing, he recovered physical evidence at the bottom of a nearby dumpster which was crucial in identifying the suspects and their eventual arrest. The investigation resulted in charging the suspects for 11 different car burglaries in the township.

A Letter of Commendation was presented to Officer William Merkler. In May 2015, Merkler was off duty driving in the township when he observed a vehicle that matched a description from a robbery earlier in the day. He noted the license plate and passed the information along to detectives, which was the critical piece required to solve the robbery and arrest two suspects.

A Letter of Commendation was presented to Officer Gerald Sarno and Officer Dominick Delucia. In April 2015, Sarno and Delucia responded to the area of Tulsa Court where a brush fire had spread to a nearby structure. Within hours of the fire call, the officers had developed two suspects who were charged with aggravated arson.

Delucia also received a Letter of Commendation for an incident in April 2015 during which he observed a vehicle on Route 130 that fit the description of a vehicle used in a residential burglary a week earlier. He conducted a motor vehicle stop and field interviews which led to two suspects being charged with the burglary of a South Brunswick residence.

A Letter of Commendation was presented to Sgt. Tara Jairdullo and Civilian Staff Julie Rebhorn. The women coordinated the 2015 Citizens Police Academy for 24 township residents from September through November. They organized the agenda and coordinated the efforts of officers assigned to instruct the classes.

A Letter of Commendation was presented to Lt. James Kinard, Sgt. Jeff Russo, Detective Michael Pellino, Detective Nate Labuda and Detective Monica Shearer. The officers’ collaborative effort of collecting evidence and interviewing witnesses led to the arrest of a suspect.

Civilian Staff Recognition was presented to Nancy Pyne. In March 2015, the SBPD decided to discontinue the Forms Package site which contained pertinent forms and packages used by sworn staff. Pyne volunteered to re-configure 42 forms, some in two languages, for officers to use.

A Community Service Award was presented to Capt. James Ryan, Detective Michael Pellino, Detective Dennis Yuhasz and Officer Jason Gassman. In December, a home had been burglarized two days before Christmas, with presents for a young child stolen. The officers coordinated the purchase of several new toys on Christmas Eve and had them delivered in time for the child to have presents Christmas morning.