Middle school students excel at music competitions

By Peter Elacqua
Staff Writer

MARLBORO – Students from the Marlboro Middle School and the Marlboro Memorial Middle School earned recognition for their musical achievements at several recent competitions.

On April 30, members of the Marlboro Middle School chorus, wind ensemble and jazz band competed against nine high schools and one middle school at the World Strides on Stage Music Festival in Williamsburg, Va.

The chorus and wind ensemble won gold and were ranked first in their category, while the jazz band won silver and was also ranked first in the junior high school category.

The wind ensemble earned the Sweepstakes Award for most outstanding and highest achieving multiple ensemble. The chorus earned the Adjudicators Award for having the highest score and ranking out of all choirs.

Thomas Li won the Maestro Award and was recognized for his piccolo solo during the wind ensemble performance.

“Congratulations to all of the students and their teachers, Jennifer Garibaldi and Julianne Chandler, on this great accomplishment,” Marlboro Middle School Principal Patricia Nieliwocki said. “Having an opportunity to hear the comments from the judges and their praise for our students was inspirational. I hope our very talented students will continue to pursue their love of music.”

On May 13, members of the Marlboro Memorial Middle School music department performed at the Music in the Parks Festival in Hershey, Pa.

Sovereign Swing and the Monarch Jazz Orchestra, directed by Matt Goley, received an excellent rating and placed first in its category. Seventh-grader Jared Goldberg earned the Best Soloist Award for his steel drum solo.

The Griffin Orchestra, directed by Chelsey Dinger, received a superior rating and placed first in its category.

The Royalaires and LionHeart chorus groups, directed by Laura Winslow, both received a superior rating and won first place in their respective categories. Eighth-grader Sunny Liang won the award for Best Accompanist.

Sovereign Swing, LionHeart and the Griffins were awarded Best Overall Jazz Band, Choir and Orchestra in the Middle School/Junior High Division.

“I am so impressed with how our students performed, as well as the level of decorum they displayed throughout the weekend,” Marlboro Memorial Middle School Principal John Pacifico said. “They represented our school and the community very well.”

The Marlboro K-8 School District Board of Education recognized the accomplishments of the Marlboro Middle School students at its May 3 meeting and the Marlboro Memorial Middle School students at its May 17 meeting.

“I am never ceased to be amazed by the accomplishments of our children,” Superintendent of Schools Eric Hibbs said at the May 3 meeting. “We have so many special things in so many ways, but our arts is a tremendous source of pride. I cannot tell you how proud I am of you and of your accomplishments.”

“Congratulations on behalf of the board,” board President Debbie Mattos said at the May 17 meeting. “I had the honor of being with all of you … not only are you [very] talented, but you are amazing children. We really have such a great community of kids and we are so proud of you.”