Metuchen H.S. is New Jersey winner in Optimum Community Charity Champions program

Optimum Community recognized students at Metuchen High School as the New Jersey grand-prize winners in this year’s Charity Champions, a program that promotes volunteerism and encourages area high schools to raise funds for a charity of their choice. The school was presented with $5,000 to be donated to Breaking the Chain through Education, an international organization that raises money to abolish child trafficking in Ghana. What is especially unique about this organization is that it is run by the students/faculty of Metuchen High School.

After opening remarks from Principal Bruce Peragallo and Optimum Community moderator Jeff Henig, Breaking the Chain through Education founder Evan Robbins spoke about the school’s participation in the Charity Champions program and fundraising efforts by the students. He was then presented with a $5,000 check on behalf of the students.

“The students at Metuchen High School did a terrific job raising funds for Breaking the Chain through Education and Optimum Community congratulates them on being named grand-prize winner for . Thanks to your hard work and motivation, you came out on top,” said Cablevision Vice President of Public Affairs Jennifer Ostrager. “For the seventh year, we are pleased to bring this program that offers young people an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in other people’s lives to the schools in the areas we serve.”

For the seventh year, Optimum Community is bringing its Charity Champions program to high schools within its service footprint. Selected schools receive $500 in seed money to put towards fundraising efforts, in addition to a $1,000 donation to their charity of choice. Throughout the school year, students raise money and awareness for their selected charity and submit a summary of fundraising results in April 2015. Schools compete against each other and a grand prize winner in each of the tri-state regions that Optimum serves will receive an additional $5,000 for their charity.

Optimum Community, a Cablevision initiative formerly known as Power to Learn, connects schools and communities in the company’s footprint with a broad range of services.  Cablevision offers thousands of schools and libraries across New York, New Jersey and Connecticut with free access to its popular Optimum-branded cable TV and Internet.  Hands-on, educational programs presented by Optimum Community include Digital Smarts, Knicks Summer Reading, Student Lens, and Charity Champions. Optimum Community also keeps Optimum subscribers informed about important events and issues through expanded local programming, including Neighborhood Journal and its signature public affairs show, Meet the Leaders.  Additional information and content is available at