County clerk announces changes to Freehold Township polling locations

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Monmouth County Clerk Christine Hanlon has announced that several polling locations have changed in Freehold Township. The changes will be effective for the June 7 primary election and will remain in place for the Nov. 8 general election:

For voters in Freehold Township, the following polling locations have changed:

• In District 4 and District 20, where the Daniels Way firehouse had been the place to vote, the iPlay America event center entrance (on Schanck Road) will now be used.

• In District 6, where the Laura Donovan School had been the place to vote, the new location will also be the iPlay America event center.

• In District 8, where the Monmouth County Health Department office on Route 9 had been the place to vote, the new polling location will be the iPlay America event center.

• The District 13 polling location will move from the Eisenhower Middle School to the Monmouth County agriculture building on Kozloski Road.

• District 15 voters, who formerly cast ballots at the West Freehold School, will now go to the iPlay America event center to vote.

Changes to polling locations are made by the Monmouth County Board of Elections in cooperation with local municipalities, according to a press release.

“The Board of Elections works with local municipalities to decide which polling places are convenient, compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act and can accommodate the anticipated turnout,” Hanlon said.

“All pertinent information about voting such as registering, polling locations and election results can be accessed at the Monmouth County Votes website provided by the county clerk’s office, in collaboration with the Board of Elections and the Monmouth County Superintendent of Elections. Monmouth County Votes is the resource which answers many questions voters have and provides additional contact information if a question cannot be answered,” she added.