District examines options for vehicle repair needs

By Andrew Martins
Staff Writer

JACKSON – A decision to seek outside employees to help maintain a fleet of vehicles is not a prelude to eliminating the vehicle maintenance department in the Jackson School District.

District administrators sought to set the record straight after rumors began circulating that the vehicle maintenance department was being eliminated.

“This is not in any way, shape or form a discussion about outsourcing our entire vehicle maintenance department,” Business Administrator Michelle Richardson said. “This is us recognizing we have logistical issues in a facility that is bursting at the seams and trying to figure out some options to deal with it.”

To that end, administrators have issued a request for proposals for three positions in the transportation department: one vehicle maintenance supervisor and two mechanics to fill vacant positions. Administrators said candidates could come from within the district or from a firm that would send employees to fill those jobs.

Richardson said the need for the three employees is a result of the district’s busing needs outgrowing its facilities. About 30 years ago, almost 70 buses carried children to and from school each day. Today, a fleet of 155 buses carries pupils to and from school each day.

The increase in the size of the bus fleet has proven to be a challenge to handle at the district’s transportation garages on Don Connor Boulevard, the business administrator said.

“To say we have outgrown that facility would be a enormous understatement,” Richardson said. “We have doubled in size (of the bus fleet) and we still have only two-and-a-half vehicle bays to work in. We need to do something about that.”

Administrators have said that when maintenance work on the vehicles is more than what the facility can handle, buses are sent elsewhere for repairs. District officials said they are looking into a possible shared services agreement with the township to use two bays at the municipal garage.

“We have a positive relationship with the township and we are looking forward to exploring that option,” Richardson said. “We are looking at everything.”