Woodbridge Library to hold summer reading club for adults

All readers over 18 are invited to participate in the Woodbridge Public Library’s adult summer reading club this summer through Aug. 19. Exercise Your Mind. READ! is the theme, but you are free to read anything you like, write reviews we’ll post on our Facebook page (facebook.com/woodbridgelibrary), enter to win weekly prizes (plus a grand prize) and meet your fellow readers at a series of programs at the Main Library.

Programs at Main include Obstacle Obliteration!, Zumba Gold and Gentle Yogalates, Henry IV (Parts I and II), seven Friday afternoon movies and a closing event.

Read a book, fill out a slip, drop it in the Exercise Your Mind. READ! Raffle Jar, and you may win a prize. Or go online and enter your books. Add a review to your entry and you’ll be published on our Facebook page.

Just in time for the Rio 2016 Olympics is the Friday afternoon summer film festival includes Without Limits, Concussion, Race and four more inspirational, sports-related films for your viewing pleasure.

To participate, come into the Main Library or any of the branches in Colonia, Fords or Iselin. Ask at the Information Desk for a registration packet, which will tell you everything you need to know about the club. Or go online (woodbridgelibrary.org) and read the information there.

The gala closing event on Aug. 19: A 2-4:30 p.m. party plus Book/CD/DVD Swap complete with refreshments and a door prize for one lucky attendee.