Kayak eco tours on tap at Cheesequake

The New Jersey Division of Parks and Forestry recently launched a kayaking eco-tour program that offers participants a close-up perspective on the ecosystems of Cheesequake State Park, Old Bridge. Available dates are June 18 and 25; July 2, 10, 23 and 31; and Aug. 6. Each tour begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at approximately 1 p.m.
Jim Faczak, a park naturalist, leads the tours and provides insights into salt-marsh habitats, birds, animals and history. Cost is $15 per person. Availability may be limited. Advance registration is required by calling 732-566-3208. Payment is not refundable unless severe weather forces cancellation.
Kayaks are provided by the park. Experienced paddlers may bring their own kayaks (canoes are not permitted when park boats are fully booked). Participants must be at least 14 years old, be able to swim and be in good physical condition, as they will be required to sit upright in the kayak for long stretches.
The tours provide close-up views of fiddler crabs, shrimp, sea pickles, mussels and sometimes pelicans and osprey, also known as fish hawks. There are occasional sightings of bald eagles.
Participants are required to bring at least two bottles of water and are strongly urged to bring lunch and snacks, sunscreen, bug repellant, rain gear, a towel to sit on, a dry sack or plastic bag to store personal items, polypropylene cord to lash the bag to the kayak, a laminated ID and spare car keys. Kayakers should wear sneakers, synthetic clothing, hat, sunglasses and eyeglass retainers. Restroom facilities are not available on the tour route.
For more information on Cheesequake State Park, log on to www.nj.gov/dep/parksandforests/parks/cheesequake.html.
For a story and gallery of photos on experiencing Cheesequake by kayak, log on to www.nj.gov/dep/daw/cheesequake/.