Millstone school board, administrators reach new agreement

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE – An agreement between the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education and district administrators has been approved by the board.

On June 13, board members approved a Memorandum of Agreement between the board and the Millstone Township Administrators Association for a successor agreement to the current contract, which will expire today, June 30.

Board President Margaret Gordon, Vice President Kevin McGovern and board members Amy Jacobson, David DePinho, John Sico, Melissa Riviello, Cynthia Bailey and Sal Casale voted yes on the Memorandum of Agreement. Board member Billy Hanson abstained.

The new contract for administrators will be effective from July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2019. Salaries for employees covered by the agreement will be increased 3 percent inclusive of any increment for each school year of the agreement. Administrators will be reimbursed $900 annually for the use of their smart phones for district business.

In other business, the board approved a contract for Superintendent of Schools Scott Feder that will be effective from July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2021. According to Feder, his salary is capped at $155,000 annually.

Prior to the board’s vote, Jacobson asked if the contract’s approval could be tabled. Gordon said Feder’s contract had already been renewed and she said the vote on its approval was a formality.

Gordon, McGovern, DePinho, Sico, Riviello, Bailey and Casale voted yes on the contract. Jacobson voted no. Hanson abstained.

“Since my wife teaches at the Millstone Township Primary School, I am statutorily and ethically bound to abstain on any voting related to her and to those who supervise her, like Principal (Trisha) Bogusz and indirectly Mr. Feder and perhaps others,” Hanson said after the meeting.

Feder has served as the district’s superintendent since 2011.

“I am grateful for my opportunities in Millstone and truly love this town and the great people I have the good fortune to work with on a daily basis, inclusive of our awesome parents and kids,” he said. “Millstone has been good to my family for the past five years and I am excited about the next five as well.”