Local students earn Congressional Medal for their community service

Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-6) recently presented three New Jersey students with the Congressional Award Gold Medal at a ceremony on Capitol Hill.

Nishi Shah of Edison and Trevor Somers and Richard Stelfox of Monmouth Beach received the medal, which is Congress’ most prestigious award for youth. The award is earned by demonstrating civil leadership and strong personal development within communities. Medalists achieve this merit by completing more than 400 hours of community service, 200 hours of personal development and physical fitness and a four-night expedition.

“I’m pleased to honor Nishi, Trevor and Richard with the Congressional Gold Medal, and I commend their extraordinary service to our communities,” said Pallone. “Whether it’s helping to make New Jersey’s history more accessible, fighting hunger or assisting our doctors and nurses, they are examples of the best of our country and I look forward to seeing their accomplishments in the future.”

Shah volunteered at the Thomas Edison Center by greeting visitors, working in the gift shop and helping with tours. An assistant teacher at her former preschool, Shah used her education experience there to fulfill her personal development requirement. She also published a novel. For her physical fitness requirement, she improved her skills in Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance. With a four-night visit to New York City, she explored a new environment.

Somers volunteered to increase awareness of hunger on state, local and federal levels. Through his work as a part-time soccer referee, he was able to demonstrate personal growth in addition to setting and accomplishing several physical fitness goals. He spent four nights engaged in European history and culture to fulfill his exploration segment.

Stelfox engaged in civil leadership by volunteering for Riverview Medical Center by working the front desk and assisting nurses on regular floors. For three years, he held a job at Booskerdoo Coffee and took piano classes to expand his personal development. He also participated in wrestling, soccer and tennis to improve his physical fitness. For the exploration segment, he and his father went on a hike to Dinkey Lakes Wilderness in the Trinity Alps of California.