Will ‘500 Questions’ actually reach 500?

Question: I love trivia shows (Jeopardy!, The Beast) and I have really enjoyed ABC’s 500 Questions. The addition of the speed round helps speed up the process and the addition of Dan Harris is superb. But if the show is aiming to have a player reach 500 questions, will it ever happen? They only aired five episodes this year, and if they do 100 questions in two hours, then the only way someone will get to 500 questions is if they are the first contestant on the first night.
It seems like 500 Questions is made for a long summer run. What is the future of 500 Questions this summer? —Tim in Atlanta

Matt Roush: I’ve heard nothing yet about 500 Questions returning for another programming stunt — or, preferably, an open-ended run that might allow a contestant like Guy Jordan to keep going. (He was cut off at the end of Season 2 after making it nearly halfway with 241 questions answered. Very frustrating.) I agree that the show made some significant improvements with the speed round and the casting of the exceedingly likable Dan Harris. The pace was much better this time, but as the clock kept ticking on that final night and it was clear that Guy wouldn’t get all the way to the end, I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought they might want to rethink the show’s title or premise if they can’t stay on the air long enough (over two short seasons) to fulfill it.

To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com