Woodbridge Public Library presents Friday film series

The Woodbridge Main Library, 1 George Frederick Plaza, will be presenting a free film series on Friday afternoons at 2 p.m.

July 8 will feature Hoosiers, the classic tale of a small-town Indiana high school basketball team fighting for the state championship.

July 15 will feature Moneyball with Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill and Philip Seymour Hoffman.

July 24 will feature Concussion, a biography about Dr. Bennet Omalu, a Nigerian forensic pathologist who battled the National Football League.

July 29 will feature Chariots of Fire.

Aug. 5 will feature Without Limits, a film about the relationshi between long-distance runner Steve Prefontaine and his coach Bill Bowerman.

Aug. 12 will feature Race, which dramatizes Jesse Owens’s record-breaking performance at the 1936 Olympics.

For more information, call 732-634-4450 or visit www.woodbridgelibrary.org.