Cheers & Jeers

by Damian Holbrook
TV Guide Magazine

Cheers to Game of Thrones
for an ironclad ender. Cersei (Lena Headey) took a seat, Jon (Kit Harington) took the North, and Dany (Emilia Clarke, above) was on a boat. If they weren’t blown up or exiled, the key players of HBO’s epic killed it (many literally) in the fan-friendliest season finale ever.

Cheers to Andrea Parker
for being the nastiest little liar. As the late Jessica DiLaurentis’s revenge-minded twin sister, the long-underrated Pretender vet has been bringing some seriously sinister camp to PLL with a wonderfully wackadoo turn. “A” would be so proud.

Jeers to CNN
for taking Trump’s sloppy seconds. Politics makes for strange bedfellows, but there is nothing screwier than the news outlet hiring The Donald’s … campaign manager (and self-confessed cheerleader) Corey Lewandowski to be a commentator. If you really think this guy will be objective, we have a wall in Mexico to sell ya.

Jeers to Anthony Anderson
and his game of moans. He does comedy, drama, and he produces. At one point, he even battled Transformers. Apparently, the only thing the hilarious black-ish star can’t do is take a hint, as proven by his hilariously clueless performance on The $100,000 Pyramid.