Businesses get break on fee for off-duty officers

By Andrew Martins
Staff Writer

PLUMSTED – The Township Committee has taken action to reduce the cost to local business operators who need to hire an off-duty Plumsted Police Department officer.

On July 6, the governing body adopted an ordinance which drops the rate for a local business operator to hire an off-duty police officer from $100 an hour to $60 an hour.

Mayor Jack Trotta said the rate of $100 per hour included a $50 per hour administrative fee. Going forward, the administrative fee will be $10 per hour. The police officer will continue to be paid $50 per hour.

Officials said the move was a way to reduce costs for local business operators who already pay taxes in Plumsted and need to hire an off-duty officer on certain occasions.

“This is to help our businesses. They are paying taxes already, so let’s try to be fair to them,” Trotta said.

The hourly rate for the use of a police vehicle remains $125 for the first eight hours and $35 an hour afterward.

Non-local entities such as utility companies, which hire off-duty police officers to direct traffic near their work sites, will continue to be charged $60 an hour for an officer and a $100 administrative fee each day for each off-duty officer hired. The officer will receive $60 per hour.

The Plumsted Township School District, the Plumsted Municipal Utilities Authority and the township itself will continue to pay $30 an hour to hire an off-duty police officer. Those entities will not pay an administrative fee. The officer will receive $30 per hour.