On Campus

David Schafer of East Brunswick, student-government president of the University of Michigan’s flagship campus, Ann Arbor, recently attended a conference of college student-government presidents from across the country in Washington, D.C. Schafer, who is majoring in conflict resolution, a self-designed major approved by three faculty members, spent a significant portion of the summers of 2014 and 2015 working for organizations trying to bring healing to Bosnia, the site of Europe’s worst genocide since World War II. A 2013 graduate of East Brunswick High School, he is on track to graduate from Michigan’s honors program in May 2017.

Justin Schulberg of East Brunswick, student-government president of the Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA), New Brunswick, recently attended a conference of college student-government presidents from across the country in Washington, D.C. A mathematics and political science double major, he was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Society in the spring. He has worked at all levels of state government, including at the New Jersey State House for a local assemblywoman, and, this summer, as an intelligence analyst at the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office, New Brunswick. A 2013 graduate of East Brunswick High School, Schulberg is slated to graduate from the Rutgers honors program in May 2017.