Residents elect the people who will serve them

In response to an extremely partial letter from Diana MacIntosh asking about where the checks and balances are in Freehold Township government (“Writer Supports Pelaia in Freehold Township,” News Transcript, July 6), obviously they are there if residents for the past 43 years have been satisfied with those who manage the community.

You must feel that in all that time, your neighbors and all homeowners have had no common sense. Shame on you for that. I spent 24 years on the Township Committee, including five terms as mayor. I and my other dedicated officials must have been doing something right.

Your current mayor, Barbara McMorrow, has received plaudits for her education experience and her government experience from a wide range of people on a nonpartisan basis. I doubt you could find reason for not supporting her except of course on blind partisanship which obviously you have.

Freehold Borough, our neighbor and also a well-run community, has been an all-Democratic Party (government) for almost as many years. In fairness, Ms. MacIntosh’s next letter to the newspaper should be supporting Republican candidates in Freehold Borough. Hypocrisy being what it is in politics sometimes, I doubt that will happen. Both communities elected officials to govern on a “what’s best” basis, not on a partisan basis.

David Segal
Former Mayor of Freehold Township
Port St. Lucie, Fla.