Millstone Township house party riles residents and officials

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

A municipal official said Millstone Township’s representatives will take legal action after a large house party prompted complaints from residents.

Residents took to social media to voice their objections to a large party that allegedly occurred at a home on Clarksburg Road on July 17.

In posts made on a Millstone Township page on Facebook as the party was taking place, residents railed about guests’ cars clogging local streets, littering and other issues they said were being generated by the party on a Sunday afternoon and evening.

Details regarding the situation were incomplete as of July 18.

Some residents who posted comments on Facebook sought assistance from Township Committeeman Fiore Masci.

In a response to residents who reached out to him on Facebook, Masci wrote, “We are disgusted by the actions of the homeowner and will go after them with every legal option at our disposal. We will not tolerate this in our town.”

Some residents who commented on Facebook claimed guests at the home where the party was taking place were being charged money to attend the event. The residents claimed hundreds of people were attending the party and they said the presence of the guests’ vehicles was making it difficult to enter and exit the area.

Following a house party in 2014 at which two people were arrested, the Township Committee took action to allow an emergency to be declared and parking to be prohibited on streets and sections of streets where temporary emergency notification signs have been posted; to require a permit for amusements that use recorded music; and to require a permit for commercial parties.

On July 18, New Jersey State Police Trooper Alejandro Goez said officers responded to the scene of the house party on July 17. He said no arrests were made at the home.

Mayor Bob Kinsey said members of the Township Committee would discuss the matter at the governing body’s July 20 meeting.