JFK Medical Center among nation’s ‘Most Wired Hospitals’ of 2016

For the second consecutive year, JFK Medical Center, Edison, has been recognized as one of the nation’s Most Wired Hospitals. The designation is based on survey results designed to measure the level of information technology (IT) adoption in United States-based hospitals and health systems.

“As health data security and quality patient care remain top priorities at JFK, we’re thrilled to have our IT practices be rewarded,” said Indranil (Neal) Ganguly, vice president and chief information officer of JFK Health. “This achievement is shared together across many teams throughout our organization, including our IT leadership department, our physicians, clinicians and employees.”

The 2016 Health Care’s Most Wired survey, conducted by Hospitals & Health Networks and Health Forum, an American Hospital Association company, is a leading industry barometer measuring IT use and adoption among hospitals nationwide. JFK Medical Center was honored for its implementation of IT strategic plans to improve performance of value-based healthcare in the areas of infrastructure, business and administrative management, quality, safety and clinical integration.

According to the survey, cybersecurity is just one area receiving considerable attention. Other important topics include: how hospitals and health networks are using data to transition from volume-based to value-based reimbursement; helping to connect hospitals in remote locations; and continuing to work to make electronic health records more useful and shareable among different hospitals and health systems. The survey also found that:

• 61 percent of those designated as Most Wired hospitals and health systems are using telemedicine most often for consultations and office visits.
• In taking more aggressive steps to protect its networks against hordes of hackers, 67 percent of Most Wired hospitals and health systems are using pattern detection to prevent automated logins, compared with 60 percent in 2015.
• 40 percent of Most Wired hospitals perform annual social engineering risk assessments, 28 percent perform unannounced assessments, and 7 percent perform assessments quarterly.

For more information regarding JFK Medical Center and its affiliates, please visit www.jfkmc.org.

For more information about the American Hospital Assocation, visit www.aha.org.