Parcel could be future location of affordable housing in Millstone

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE – Municipal officials are taking action to acquire a property that could eventually be the location of affordable housing in Millstone Township.

On July 20, the Township Committee introduced a bond ordinance that provides an appropriation of $1.1 million for the acquisition of property at 27 Burnt Tavern Road.

The total appropriation includes the issuance of $1.045 million in bonds or notes and a down payment of $55,000. The down payment will be funded with $39,435 from the Millstone Open Space Farmland Preservation Trust Fund and $15,565 from the State Council on Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

According to the ordinance, the property contains approximately 53.39 acres. The portion of the tract that may be developed is 15.11 acres. Slightly more than 38 acres would remain as open space.

Officials said no plan has been drawn up for a residential project at the site, nor has a developer been selected.

The bond ordinance is expected to be considered for adoption at the committee’s Aug. 17 meeting.

After the ordinance was introduced, the committee passed a resolution authorizing the township’s 2016 capital budget to be amended to include the acquisition of the Burnt Tavern Road parcel.

In other business, the committee approved an extension of 63 days to the mining permit of the Buck mine on the recommendation of Township Engineer Matt Shafai after passing a resolution that granted a 20-day extension to the permit. The latest extension was needed for the mine to continue operations because the 20-day extension, which was approved by the committee on June 15, expired on July 20.

The committee also passed resolutions granting a six-month extension to the mining permit of the Campo mine, a 60-day extension to the mining permit of the Preston mine, and a two-year mining permit to the Stavola mine.

According to the resolutions, the current mining permit of the Campo mine will expire on Dec. 1, the current mining permit of the Preston mine will expire on Aug. 17 and the Stavola mining permit will expire on June 30, 2018.

Finally, the committee passed a resolution authorizing a final payment of $23,830 to Precise Construction for improvements that were made to the Millstone Township Community Center, Stagecoach Road. The payment is subject to the receipt of a $238 payment from Monmouth County, according to the resolution.

The committee awarded a $46,125 contract to Precise Construction on Dec. 16, 2015 for the community center improvements. According to the resolution, Millstone received a $63,143 grant from the Monmouth County Community Development Program for Americans with Disabilities Act improvements to the community center.

In 2014, the committee adopted a bond ordinance that provided an appropriation of $150,000 for site improvements as part of municipal projects, including the community center renovations.

Precise Construction was responsible for work on the community center’s sidewalk, ramp, railing, lights, curbing and street lights, according to municipal officials. Eastern Door Service received $12,720 for work on new entrance doors in the building’s upper and lower levels, and Abby Lifts received $27,890 for work on a new vertical lift.

Municipal officials said additional work at the community center is expected to include new bathrooms, painting, signs and flooring.