MCC Child Care Center has new fire truck-themed playground

The newest addition to the Middlesex County College (MCC) Child Care Center is a fire truck-themed playground.

“The theme is a tribute to first responders,” says Mary Jo Tivenan-Mackintosh, the center director. “The children always enjoy a visit from the local fire company, so when choosing a new playground this seemed like a logical choice. Our new playground provides a safe, happy environment for our students to enjoy being outside and participating in healthy play. The timing is perfect since we will be starting our full-day kindergarten program this fall as well as continuing our year-round preschool program (ages 2-5 years) serving area families as well as children of our faculty, staff and students.”

Pictured from left: Roseann Bucciarelli, dean of Continuing Education; MCC President Joann La Perla-Morales; with (top row) Alana and Athena Asimakis, Nadia Kaminsky, Aidan Magner; (bottom row) Jayahni Alvarez, Thiago Juarez, Raymond Vetter, Mia Izurieta, Aubrey Gomez, and Mary Jo Tivenan-Mackintosh, Child Care director.

To set up a tour of the center, call 732-906-2542.