Visit Big Brook Park with Audubon Society

The Monmouth County Audubon Society will host a late summer bird walk at Big Brook Park, Route 520, Marlboro. The event will take place on Sept. 18 starting at 8 am.

The original 432-acre tract that established Big Brook Park was formerly used as farmland for patients at the Marlboro State Psychiatric Hospital, located across Route 520, according to a press release. The Monmouth County Park System purchased the Big Brook property — which once contained a piggery, a dairy farm and other agricultural operations — from the state in 1997, around the time the state closed the hospital.

The park, named for Big Brook, which drains into the Swimming River Reservoir, contains forest made up of young wetland and maturing American beech, white oak, tulip poplar and hickory trees, according to the press release.

The park is also known for its rolling fields made up of grasses, goldenrod and other perennials that provide a contiguous field habitat for butterflies, birds and other wildlife. Grassland birds in particular find the park’s fields attractive, and birds such as Eastern Meadowlark, American Woodcock and Blue Grosbeak have been found here, according to the Audubon Society.

Sparrows are also fond of the grasslands of Big Brook, said trip leader Rob Fanning.

“There are a number of sparrow species that we hope to see, including common birds like Song Sparrows, and less common birds such as Savannah Sparrows. Grasshopper Sparrows have also been spotted here in the past – these birds are less and less common in Monmouth County as grassland areas diminish. Finding one would be a real treat,” Fanning said.

Anyone interested in participating in the event can meet at 8 a.m. in the Big Brook Park parking lot off Route 520.

The trip is open to members and non-members of the Monmouth County Audubon Society and participation is free. Advance registration is not required. Participants should bring binoculars and field guides and should dress appropriately for the weather, including clothing suitable for rain if the forecast is questionable. The walk will take place light rain or shine. Pets are not permitted.

Further information may be obtained by visiting or via e-mail at [email protected].