Ocean Township celebrates National Night Out

Staff Writer

OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Residents were able to enjoy a hot dog with their local police officers at the National Night Out Against Crime event.

Residents and Ocean Township officers were able to interact in a community setting at the Aug. 2 event held at the Wegmans parking lot.

“It is very important for us to be in the community,” Chief Steven Peters said. “It is a way for us to meet with [residents] and interact in a way outside of them having to call us for an emergency, which is how most people do see the police.

“This is a time where they can talk to us where they really don’t need us.”

Lt. Detective Timothy Torchia, who also serves as the department’s public information officer, said because Ocean Township does not have a lot of heavy pedestrian areas, events like National Night Out are especially important.

“Typically when you’re in uniform when they call, you are going for calls,” he said. “If we would have a walking post you would get that kind of interaction, but we don’t here.”

Torchia said the interaction at the event is essential for both the officers and the residents.

“Out of this they get to talk to a police officer one on one without really needing you for anything,” he said. “Sometimes they have questions that they ask you and you can fill them on what we offer here.”

At the event the police department had tables set up showing some of their equipment, including a table with gear from their scuba team. Also appearing were the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office, Monmouth County Special Needs Registry and the Ocean Township Fire Department.

Torchia said a lot of effort goes into planning National Night Out, but the cause is worth it.

“Six months out we start with the invites, start preparing, budget money for giveaways,” he said. “I think it is always important to have good public relations and be a positive influence within the community.”

Contact Kenny Walter at [email protected].