Two animals test positive for rabies in North Brunswick


NORTH BRUNSWICK – The Middlesex County Office of Health Services is reporting that two animals tested positive for rabies in North Brunswick.

On Aug. 8, the Animal Control officer for North Brunswick responded to a call concerning a skunk that was found to be acting strangely in the vicinity of Thalia Street and Excelsior Avenue, according to information provided by the Middlesex County Office of Communication.

The skunk was sent to the New Jersey State Department of Health Laboratory for testing. It was reported on Aug. 11 that the animal tested positive for rabies, according to the statement.

Then, on Aug. 9, the Animal Control officer responded to a call concerning a fox that was acting strangely in the vicinity of Newton Street and Bradley Street.

The fox was sent to the lab for testing and it was reported on Aug. 11 that it tested positive for rabies.

There are no known human or animal exposures to the skunk or the fox, officials said.

These are the 15th and 16th rabid animals reported within Middlesex County for 2016 and the third and fourth reported in North Brunswick.

The Middlesex County Office of Health Services continues to monitor rabies cases within the municipality. Residents should report wild animals showing signs of unusual behavior to the police department.

Additionally, it is recommended that residents avoid contact with wild animals and immediately report any bites from wild or domestic animals to the local health department and consult a physician as soon as possible.

Finally, be sure that all family pets are up to date on their rabies vaccinations and licenses, officials said.