Stone elected board of ed president in Red Bank

Staff Writer

RED BANK–Dr. Fred Stone was unanimously elected as the new president of Red Bank’s Board of Education at a regular meeting on Aug. 16.

His appointment followed the resignation of the previous president, Carrie Ludwikowski, who moved to North Carolina with her family.

“I’m looking forward to helping the district continuously ahead,” he said. “Exciting things have happened here over the last couple years, and I’m looking forward to getting it better and better.”

Dr. Stone, who has been a member of the Board of Education for the past four years, said that he first ran in order to serve the district’s students.

“Kids in Red Bank needed an advocate, and somebody who understands organizational processes,” said Dr. Stone, a retired physician. “So I had a chance to take a lifetime of my volunteer experience and my professional experience to make things better for the kids in Red Bank.”

According to Board Member Ann Roseman —who nominated Dr. Stone for president—the duties of the office include preparing agendas and working with the superintendent to address “emerging issues” that may arise between board meetings.

“It’s exciting. I’ve worked very well with Dr. Stone; I look forward to working with him in the future,” Superintendent Dr. Jared Rumage said. “But we’re certainly going to miss Carrie Ludwikowski. She brought so much passion, so much energy to the school district.”

Ludwikowski had served as a member of the Board of Education for nine years upon her resignation and had held the office of president since January of 2016. Her last meeting was on Aug. 2.

Prior to becoming school board president, Dr. Stone held the office of vice president since January of 2016, so his election left the latter role vacant. Roseman and fellow Board Member Michael Ballard were nominated for the position, but voting ended in a three-three tie. The board then tabled the election of a new vice-president until a later meeting when members Janet Jones and Peter Noble, who were absent, could weigh in.

Red Bank’s Board of Education consists of nine members who serve three-year terms. This November, three seats– held by Ben Forest, Suzanne Viscomi and Marjorie Lowe–are up for election.