Cheers & Jeers

Cheers to NBC
for using the Olympics to sell Superstore. Thanks to a flurry of ads during the games and an Olympics- themed special episode, America Ferrera’s adorable comedy set in a big-box shopping mecca will hopefully win some more viewers when it returns for Season 2.

Jeers to those archaic tape delays and late-night runners.
Come on, NBC, get with the times and air more stuff live. You can’t expect Simone Biles or Simone Manuel to inspire young women when you’re showing their achievements after most kids have gone to bed. Oh, and also, it would have been nice to see some interviews with non-American winners, too.

Jeers to global warming
You know what an Olympics Opening Ceremony never needs? A bit devoted to how we’re all doomed to drown in rising Arctic-melt tides. Perhaps this saved us from a Zika-inspired interpretive dance, though?

Cheers to Bob Costas
for keeping both eyes on the prizes. Given that Rio was plagued with raw sewage runoff, we tip our hats to Bob’s ability to avoid contracting conjunctivitis this time around.