Provident Bank participates in ‘Green Clean Day’

The Provident Bank recently conducted its third annual “Green Clean Day,” where the company spent a day cleaning, purging paper and electronic files, as well as becoming educated on how to reduce waste and conserve energy.

In total, the bank securely shredded and recycled more than 35,415 pounds of paper, had an additional 5,835 pounds of CO2 emissions avoided and saved more than 110,466 gallons of water from the previous month, according to a statement prepared by the company.

“At The Provident Bank, we are always looking to expand our knowledge and to apply what we learn. Green Clean Day offers us an opportunity to ensure all of our team members understand the impact we all have on the environment and the value of recycling and saving our resources,” said Christine Cartwright, corporate donations administrator for Provident.

In addition to their efforts, employees made monetary donations to six charities operating in and having an impact on the bank’s footprint. These charities are located where the bank conducts business, and where its employees live, work and thrive, according to the statement.

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